Wednesday, March 2, 2011

National Pancake Day!

T.J., Michelle, & I
      Yesterday was National Pancake Day!! Years ago, the English prepared pancakes in preparation for Lent.  During Lent, the eating of all dairy products was prohibited so making pancakes was a great way to use the dairy products before they went to waste.
     Every year, on National Pancake Day, IHOP offers a free short stack of pancakes to all their customers!  In return they ask that you make a donation to the Children's Miracle Network.  This began in 2006 and has since raised over $5.35 million for CMN!

These two little boys almost started dancing
with me, but then they got shy :)

     Yesterday, I spent the day at the Columbia IHOP greeting guests, seating costumers, and reminding everyone to make their donation.  I spoke with many customers and even caught up with a few other titleholders!  T.J., the Children's Hospital mascot, even stopped by for a little while!  I couldn't believe how many people came in for their pancakes!  By the time I left, the parking lot was packed and there were people lined up outside the restaurant.  I'm glad everyone was participating!

     Mario, the manager of the Columbia IHOP, welcomed me with open arms.  Thank you!  Dawn & Dave Williams set everything up for me to be there and even came along for a while to take some pictures. Thanks so much guys; the pictures are awesome!  Also, thank you T.J. and Michelle, from Children's Hospital in Columbia!  Lastly, thank you IHOP!!  IHOP made National Pancake Day fun and found a way to raise a huge amount of money for CMN. How awesome is that?!

Me with Mario

Want a short stack?!
 With Love,

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