Friday, May 27, 2011

Columbia Children's Hospital

     The day after visiting Mrs. Blaine's class, I visited the CMN, Children's Hospital in Columbia.  I love visiting this hospital every year because it is where I began my life.  I was born four weeks premature and with pneumonia, so I spent the first 10 days of my life there.  Although I don't remember it, the Columbia Hospital holds a special place in my heart.

     Michelle Kemp met us at the hospital and took us around the pediatrics unit where I met quite a few little boys.  We talked for a while & then I signed an autograph card for each of them.  I loved seeing the kids' faces light up when I walked in.  It makes me so happy that they can find joy in their unfortunate situations.  Michelle told my mom and I about how each room recently got flatscreen televisions and Wiis.  I'm sure this makes many of the patients very happy! :)

     That day was an especially exciting day at the hospital.  A horse had also come to visit!  Unfortunately, I did not get to pet the horse, but I got to see him from afar. :)  A warm thank you goes to Michelle for setting up my visit!  She is great and I can tell she truly cares about the hospital!
With Love,

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