Tuesday, May 17, 2011

CMN Fundraiser!

     On Tuesday, May 3rd, I had a fundraiser for the Children's Miracle Network!  Stacy, the head of the Staff Council at Truman State University, helped put the event together.  We set up a table in Truman's SUB (Student Union Building) and collected money from both the students and staff that passed by from 11 am to 4 pm.

Thanks for making it all possible, Stacy!!

Being crowned is a very overwhelming moment in one's life ;)
     A CMN hot air balloon was $1.  A green star sticker on the balloon signified a $2 donation.  A silver star signified a $5 donation and gold stars were for $10 donations.  Along with a hot air balloon, each donor was given the option of trying on my Kansas City crown from last year.  It was a great incentive for donating.  Who wouldn't want to try on a crown?!  Even a few guys got in on the action!

I even met Samantha, Jillian's (Miss Gateway St. Louis) sister! :)
     I think the fundraiser was a success!  By the end of the day, we had raised a little over $100 for CMN!
Sara was our first gold star giver!!

All of the balloons and hearts were put in a
display case at the end of the day!
 With Love,

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