Sunday, November 28, 2010

"'Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller Night!"

     Every week I have the privilege of working with a group of children with special needs.  On Thursday evenings we meet and dance!  I began working with the girls in the summer of 2009 and it has been a joy!  We stretch, play games, and learn a short dance routine.  It is so exciting for me to see girls step out of their comfort zones.  In the beginning, some of the girls were shy and didn't want to leave their mother's sides, but now everyone participates!  The best part is seeing the joy on their faces when they master a new step or fall in love with the dance that we've choreographed for them.
     My platform is 'Building Confidence in all Children Through Dance.'  I chose my platform partially because of the fun I've had working with these girls.  They help me love dance more and more every time we're together.  I have seen so many of them grow since the beginning of our time together.  I believe that by having a great time on the dance floor, they boost their confidence a little more every week.

     A couple weeks ago, just before Halloween, we had a special class where we wore our Halloween costumes!  We hunted for candy around the room and learned Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance.  We even spiced up some of our usual games with Halloween themes.  We played 'Sit, Sit, BOO' rather than Duck, Duck, Goose and pretended to be scary creatures rather than regular animals while playing our animal game.  Unfortunately, due to conflicting schedules we had to have our special Halloween class on Wednesday night, so only a couple of girls were able to attend.  Luckily, Allison, Abby, Haley, Bailey, and I still had a blast!!
With Love,

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