Monday, September 5, 2011

St. Louis Adventure!! :)

     Although I'd been to St. Louis multiple times over the past 9 months, I felt like I hadn't really experienced all that the city had to offer.  So, I decided to fix that!  My family and I left for St. Louis on the last Friday of July.  We stayed with the Bisch family at their house and Jillian was able to join us for most of the weekend.

     We kicked off our weekend of St. Louis fun with the Science Center on Saturday!  We saw a lot of interesting exhibits and fun gadgets.  The best part was getting to play scientist with our finger prints.  We even got to put on lab coats and use magnifying glasses.

     Saturday evening we went to the arch or the "Gateway to the West" (get it?!) and explored the museum downstairs.  We wore our crowns and signed many autographs. :)  Unfortunately there was a long wait to go up into the arch, so we bought tickets for the next morning.  After we left the arch, everyone was starving.  So, we went to a pizza place for dinner!

     On Sunday morning, we headed back to the arch and we got to go inside it this time!  Going into the arch was what I was looking forward to most in our St. Louis adventure because I had never been into the arch.  I'd driven by it multiple times and was FINALLY getting to go inside it!  I was also quite thrilled to be going to the arch as Miss Gateway to the West OT, because the arch IS the Gateway to the West!  I felt a bit of ownership over the fabulous structure. ;-)

     If you've never been into the arch, you are missing out.  The view of St. Louis from 630 ft in the air is amazing!  I took lots of pictures. :-)  I enjoyed every minute I was in the arch.  Unfortunately, it's not very spacious up there and three girls in crowns seem to clog up the area. hehe

     After the arch, Jillian had to go to work. :-(  The rest of us grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the zoo!!  We saw bunches of great animals and we even watched a 3-D movie and rode on a rollercoaster without tracks.  Who knew the zoo had more than animals, these days?!

     Finally on Monday, we went to Six Flags!  We spent the first part of the day in Hurricane Harbor.  We rode the wave pool, the lazy river, and some great slides. :)

     We spent the second part of the day in the actual theme park.  I hadn't been to a theme park for a long time, so I was a little nervous about riding all the crazy rides and starting out with the Batman didn't help! haha  I soon realized that I loved the thrilling rollercoasters just as much as Jillian and Charlee. :)  All day I had been looking forward to some Dip N' Dots that I planned to get at the end of the day, but appearently all the Dip N' Dots stands shut down 30 minutes before the park did...EXCEPT ONE!! :)  I was extatic when I saw her cute little stand all lit up!  We stayed at the park until it closed, making a very exhausting, but fun day.

     I spent the last day of St. Louis getting my hair done.  I got there at 5:30 in the morning and left at 1:45 in the afternoon!  I guess the good things in life really do take time...And just in case you were wondering, they weren't kidding when they said that beauty is pain!

     I'm so blessed to have such amazing sister queens (we missed you Amanda!!) and be able to represent such a wonderful area of Missouri!!
With Love,

Misses of Missouri Pageant

     This summer, my sister competed in the Misses of Missouri Pageant again.  The pageant was held in Mexico, Missouri just like the Miss Missouri Pageant.  It was for all the local title holders and sweethearts (1st runner ups) in the state that weren't old enough to be Outstanding Teens yet.

     I love watching my sister compete in pageants.  It's like she's following in my footsteps.  She was very excited for this pageant because my mom finally bought her a big girl evening gown.  It was a ballgown style, pink & purple dress.  I approved. :)

Stevie singing "Welcome to the 60's"
Randall dancing to "You Can't Stop the Beat"

MaKenna performing her talent!!
     MaKenna, my sister, did a great job.  She was awarded 2nd runner up in her category.  I was also cheering for Stevie Bisch, Randall Chambers, Ashlee Porter, Olivia Coy, and Cara Cook.  Stevie was gorgeous on-stage.  She reminded me so much of her sister, Charlee, my sister queen.  She was a joy to watch.  Randall, Ashlee, and Olivia are all from my home town.  Randall is an amazing little dancer!  She was awarded 2nd runner up in her category.  Ashlee won her category and Olivia was awarded 1st runner up.  Cara was Jilllian, my sister queen's, Miss Missouri little sister.  She won her category!

Charlee, McKensie, Jocelyn, & I!!

Jillian, Charlee, Samantha, & I!!
     At the pageant I was able to catch up with some of my pageant friends, including Jocelyn, Miss Northeast Counties OT, Charlee, Miss Gateway St. Louis OT, McKensie, Miss Missouri's OT, and Jillian, Miss Gateway St. Louis.  We had a great time!  After the pageant we had a nice dinner at Casa del Sol, one of Mexico's finest. :)
just blowing some bubbles :)

the moms!!

We're Aeropostale models..Can't you tell? :)
With Love,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Summer Appearances!! :)

     Throughout the summer, I also made a few appearances in my home town.  They included participating in the annual 4th of July parade, judging the NEMO Fair Queen Baby Contest, and performing at the Sullivan County Fair Queen pageant.

     In the parade, I walked beside the truck and handed out some of my autograph cards and candy.  I was wearing a blue and white dress, so I just had to wear my red heels.  Unfortunately it was very hot and my feet were not happy with me at the end of the day. Hehe J I should’ve listened to my mother’s warnings.  Also, I’d like to thank our family friend, Nikki, for driving her truck in the parade!

     Every year the NEMO fair is held in Kirksville and there is always a fair queen pageant to kick off the week.  This year, Samantha Caraway, Miss Pulaski County’s OT, and I were asked to judge the Baby Contest that morning.  There were 5 different age categories for both the girls and the boys.  There were many cute little kids and it was VERY tough to make the decisions, but we managed to get the job done.

all of us judges and the emcee of the contest!
     Samantha and I were asked to be special entertainment at the Sullivan County Fair Queen pageant.  I performed "Ease On Down the Road" and "Boogie Shoes."  It's always fun to be backstage at a pageant, but not have the stress of competing.  Thanks for inviting us again, Ali!!
Samantha and I with the new Sullivan County fair queens!
With Love,

UDA Dance Camp 2011

     Next on my summer agenda was UDA Dance Camp!  Dance Camp is always one of my favorite weeks of the summer.  With this year being my senior year, it was even more memorable.  The camp was held on the Tan-Tar-A resort and lasted from Sunday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon.
On our way to camp, we always stop for breakfast at McDonald's
and play on the jungle gym!

Our room name was the MEM J's :)

     On Sunday evening each team competed with a home routine.  Home routine is a dance that each team learns prior to camp and performs as a team to earn a blue, red, or white ribbon.  As a senior I am a captain of the 2011-2012 KHS Dance team.  The two other captains and I choreographed our home routine to a mix of “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera and “On the Floor” by Jennifer Lopez.  The dance was a combination of jazz, kick, and hip hop and was awarded a blue ribbon!!

     We learned three routines at camp, an A, B, and C routine.  The routines ranged in difficulty and there were many styles to choose from.  My A routine was a level III Pom dance to Proud Mary. J On Tuesday morning, we had evaluations for our A routines.  Just like in home routine evaluations, we could’ve earned either a blue, red, or white ribbon.

     After evaluations on Tuesday, we had the rest of the day to enjoy the Tan-Tar-A resort!  Tuesday evening is always fun.  First, we went to the outdoor pool for a little fun in the sun!  Unfortunately, it started raining. L Luckily, Tan-Tar-A has an indoor water park that is just as much fun, but no sun.

The Bear Lodge's virgin strawberry daquiris are delicious!!

     Our dance team always goes out to dinner on Tuesday night as well.  It has become a tradition that we get dressed up, take pictures, and eat at the Elk Bear Lodge.  It’s always one of my favorite parts of camp.  We also give secret sis gifts all week.  Each dancer picks a teammate out of a hat and buys that girl three small gifts and one large gift.  They give one small gift each day of camp and give the large gift on Tuesday evening.  It is always fun to find out who everyone had as a secret sis. J

Dancing all day, every day takes a lot of energy.
We were more than slap happy by Tuesday night!

     Finally on Wednesday, our parents come and we perform our B and C routines.  Wednesday is also when the final awards are given.  Our team won a superior trophy and we were awarded the Super Spirit Sticks!!  We had a great week and came out with a lot of blue ribbons.  I’m going to miss UDA camp!!
We were on the cover of the UDA book!!

the three seniors with our team's awards!!
 With Love,