Sunday, September 4, 2011

Summer Appearances!! :)

     Throughout the summer, I also made a few appearances in my home town.  They included participating in the annual 4th of July parade, judging the NEMO Fair Queen Baby Contest, and performing at the Sullivan County Fair Queen pageant.

     In the parade, I walked beside the truck and handed out some of my autograph cards and candy.  I was wearing a blue and white dress, so I just had to wear my red heels.  Unfortunately it was very hot and my feet were not happy with me at the end of the day. Hehe J I should’ve listened to my mother’s warnings.  Also, I’d like to thank our family friend, Nikki, for driving her truck in the parade!

     Every year the NEMO fair is held in Kirksville and there is always a fair queen pageant to kick off the week.  This year, Samantha Caraway, Miss Pulaski County’s OT, and I were asked to judge the Baby Contest that morning.  There were 5 different age categories for both the girls and the boys.  There were many cute little kids and it was VERY tough to make the decisions, but we managed to get the job done.

all of us judges and the emcee of the contest!
     Samantha and I were asked to be special entertainment at the Sullivan County Fair Queen pageant.  I performed "Ease On Down the Road" and "Boogie Shoes."  It's always fun to be backstage at a pageant, but not have the stress of competing.  Thanks for inviting us again, Ali!!
Samantha and I with the new Sullivan County fair queens!
With Love,

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