Monday, June 6, 2011

Last Day of School!

     Today was the last day of my junior year!  Our year was extended longer than expected due to the huge snow storm that hit in February.  I don't believe I have ever gone to school in June before, and I hope I never have to again! :)

Goodbye junior year locker!!
      One of my favorite classes is Mentoring.  I mentor in Ms. Stacy's 1st grade classroom at the Kirksville Primary School.  I go over to Ms. Stacy's class everyday during 2nd hour.  Normally I read with students one on one in the hallway, but for the last few days we've been doing some activities that are a little more fun!

     For example, last Friday was Beach Day for the entire 1st grade!  While I was there, we had balloon and egg races, played with sidewalk chalk and hula hoops. :)  The students wore their sunglasses and other beach attire!  One girl even wore her hula skirt!

     As I was about to approach Ms. Stacy's classroom today, I heard a little voice say, "Shhh! She's coming!"  I saw Ms. Stacy quickly come over to the door and turn the lights off.  When I opened the door, Corinne, one of the first graders, ran over and flipped on the lights.  All the students jumped up and yelled, "SURPRISE!!"  It was very cute. :) They also made me a card and gave me a thank you balloon.  I love balloons!

Playing Connect Four!

Elizabeth got powdered sugar from
the brownies I made them all over her face!

While playing Candy Land, I decided that Princess Frostine was my favorite character. :)
      We spent the rest of my time with them playing various games.  I played Candy Land for the first time in years!  I love these kiddos and can't wait to be an A+ student next year!  Thanks for a great semester!

Thanks for the balloon!!

With Love,

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