Friday, May 27, 2011

Mrs. Blaine's 2nd Grade Class

     On Thursday, May 12th, I spoke to Mrs. Blaine's 2nd grade class.  Mrs. Blaine is my cousin, so it was great speaking to her class.  I spoke a little about the Miss America Organization and my platform, "Building Confidence in All Children Through Dance."  We discussed the importance of dancing to stay fit.  Then we stood up, spread out, and got ready to dance!!

     Mrs. Blaine's class was full of energy!  All of them were picking up the hip hop routine I taught them.  They were great, hard working dancers!!  After we practiced the routine a few times, we snapped a quick picture and then it was time for the kids to show me their dance moves!  It seems that every time I speak to a classroom, no matter what age group, break dancing is the way to go.  We had cartwheels, hand stands, and even the worm!

     After dancing, we calmed down & I signed pictures for all the students.  Thanks for having me Mrs. Blaine!! We had a blast! :)
With Love,

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