Sunday, November 28, 2010

Election Day

     A few weeks ago, my friend, Whitney and I worked at the poll during the recent election.  Our history teacher, Mr. Best, asked us to help out.  We attended a short instructional session the Thursday prior to election day to familiarize ourselves with what we would be doing.  Whitney and I worked from 7 am to 1 pm on Tuesday.  We waited by the doors and greeted all the voters.  We also asked them to get their photo IDs ready and made sure they were in the correct voting precinct.

     The adults that we worked with were so sweet!  One man brought a huge bag of left-over Halloween candy and informed us that his wife told him not to come home until it was gone. =)  Another lady baked cookies that she shared with all of us.

     It was a good experience and although I am not yet old enough to do my 'civic duty' by voting, I like to think that being involved is just as good for right now!
With Love,

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