Saturday, August 27, 2011

Miss Missouri Week

     Wow! What a crazy summer this has been!  I started off my summer with Miss Missouri week. :)  I also went to Missouri Girls State, UDA Dance Camp, the Misses of Missouri Pageant, & St. Louis for a weekend of adventure!  I feel that it is only right for me to begin by telling you all about my experience at the Miss Missouri's Outstanding Teen pageant this June.

     I couldn't have been more excited about the pageant this year!  After 8 monthes of preparations, it was finally time to show everyone what I had been working on.  I started the week on a very high note at our first meeting on Tuesday morning.  I was named Miss Photogenic 2011!!  Being Miss Photogenic was a huge honor because my headshot was on the back of all the Outstanding Teen program books. :)
Thank you Lance Tilford for a great shot!
     The week continued to get better.  I was able to have a blast, make even more pageant friends, & do my very best.  I enjoyed the Princess Luncheon, the after parties, & we even managed to make rehearsals fun. :)  But the icing on top of the cake was being named a top 10 finalist on Friday night!  I was extatic!

     Doing my talent on the Miss Missouri stage was an amazing experience that I will never forget.  I'm so glad I was able to "put on my my my my my boogie shoes" on that stage in front of such a large crowd!

     I would like to thank my EXTRAORDINARY sister queens, Amanda, Jillian, & Charlee.  They were so supportive all week, especially on Friday night.  Everytime I got off-stage they were there with open arms.  Their support meant so much to me.  From Jillian's pep talk before the pageant to Charlee's prayer right before on-stage question, these girls were there for me 100%.

Amanda & I at rehearsal!
Jillian & I at the parade!

     I would also like to thank all of those who sponsored me on my journey to Miss Missouri & the Gateway Board & Krewe.  Without you all, none of this would be possible.

Mary, Kerri, & I!!

Gary, Charlee, & I!!
     Lastly, I'd like to congratulate McKensie Garber for being crowned Miss Missouri's Outstanding Teen 2011!!  She was phenomenal & more than deserving of the honor.  So happy for you Kensie! :)

**Here are some extra pictures from the week...We have a lot of fun :)
ready for opening number!!

princess luncheon!

Meri Lyn, Charlee's mom, & I after the show one night

my family & I at the teen's pizza party

After the parade, it was nap time!

Miss America 2008, Kirsten Haglund!!

the majority of us teens <3

With Love,